Token Report (BSC)

The Money Market Token Report evaluates key properties of listed tokens to ensure the safety of our Money Markets and establish a transparent onboarding process for new tokens. This report is an ongoing document that will be updated with new tokens added to the platform. The analysis begins with checking the transfer logic of each token to ensure proper execution within the contracts. Additionally, we assess whether the contract is upgradable through proxy-implementation patterns or metamorphic contracts. Tokens with a destructor are not allowed, but we permit proxy tokens and monitor their implementation for changes, flagging any high-risk alterations until further analysis.


Token - 0x2170Ed0880ac9A755fd29B2688956BD959F933F8

Market - 0xc1ea72c901c014a76dd9656b1c5965a86a6b735c


Token - 0x7130d2A12B9BCbFAe4f2634d864A1Ee1Ce3Ead9c

Market - 0xd6c50114aa0f6a569e47c28620de49725f9c8f45


Token (Native) - 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE

Market - 0x32c13d51188afD2d882b5DE6447387Dc8B528a59

USDC (Proxy)

Token - 0x8AC76a51cc950d9822D68b83fE1Ad97B32Cd580d

Implementation - 0xBA5Fe23f8a3a24BEd3236F05F2FcF35fd0BF0B5C

Market - 0x62c79F52041887ED095a5697BcC89ab1297384d6


Token - 0x0e09fabb73bd3ade0a17ecc321fd13a19e81ce82

Market - 0xfA246eEF86D6E58409C8b5AD7e778e336321f7Cb


Token - 0xE7Df6907120684add86f686E103282Ee5CD17b02

Market - 0x147BA3Da72064eADcdB7Eaba4e930B6a233b7304

Risks: Whitelist + Blacklist implementation. Pause functionality.

Line 335 - STABLEProxy.triggerProxy():

  1. triggerProxy function is not a view function

  2. STABLEProxy is a settable by the owner

Currently STABLEProxyTrigger is false so no action is taken but could be in the future.

Worth mentioning: Line 305 - referrals.getSponsor (View function so not real risk). Line 331 - dontTrigger.isDontTrigger (View function so not real risk). But both referrals and dontTrigger are settable by the owner


Token - 0x7DF1938170869AFE410098540c051A8A50308988

Market - 0xf34992AD64ccACb0b86d4CABaDd1aF0797C3Fb3B

Risks: Whitelist + Blacklist implementation. Pause functionality.

Line 335 - USDFIProxy.triggerProxy():

  1. triggerProxy function is not a view function

  2. USDFIProxy is a settable by the owner

Currently USDFIProxyTrigger is false so no action is taken but could be in the future.

Worth mentioning: Line 305 - referrals.getSponsor (View function so not real risk). Line 331 - dontTrigger.isDontTrigger (View function so not real risk). But both referrals and dontTrigger are settable by the owner.


Token - 0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56

Market - 0xEb818d27aaB6776D50c9DaB560016447a63eEe10


Token - 0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955

Market - 0x2763d553E990E269427ABe4F37288da9b2916462

Last updated